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The scariest part: It doesn't have to be this way. Travis WaldronSports Reporter, The Huffington Post Erick FernandezEditorial Fellow, HuffPost Sports Posted: 10/23/2015 10:19 AM EDT | Edited: 10/26/2015 10:56 AM EDT ANDREW THEODORAKIS VIA GETTY IMAGESIsrael Squires (5) rushes in a 2014 game for Shoreham Wading River High School in New York the week after his teammate... read more
A House subcommittee yesterday passed the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2015 (HR 2646), a major step on the road to comprehensive mental health reform. “We are very pleased by Wednesday night’s passage of HR 2646 by the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee,” said APA President Renée Binder, M.D., in a statement. “This bill goes... read more
What Happens If You Try To Prevent Every Single Suicide?
by Joanne Silberner Each year, nearly three times as many Americans die from suicide as from homicide. More Americans kill themselves than die from breast cancer. As Dr.Thomas Insel, longtime head of the National Institute of Mental Health, prepared to step down from his job in October, he cited the lack of progress in reducing the... read more
from California regulators fined two insurance giants for overstating their Obamacare doctor networks and said the companies will pay millions of dollars in refunds to patients who paid too much for care. The state’s Department of Managed Health Care levied fines of $350,000 against Blue Shield of California and $250,000 for Anthem Blue Cross. At... read more
Steinberg Homeless Housing Initiative
Steve Lopez, LA Times September 30, 2015 One man was curled up at the entrance to a restaurant, asleep, passed out or dead. It wasn't immediately clear. Three other people — two men and a woman — were in just as sad a state near 3rd and Fairfax. One, named John, sat on... read more
by Craig Bryan, PsyD, ABPP The recent NYTimes piece ( )about a unit of Marines who have struggled with combat-related PTSD and suicide has reignited public conversation about military and veterans mental health, suicide prevention, and mental health treatment. During the course of these discussions, many myths and misconceptions about PTSD and its treatment have... read more
By Victoria Colliver October 25, 2015 Citywide director Dave Fariello (right) talks to a client standing outside the large group room at Citywide Case Management Programs on Monday, October 20, 2015 in San Francisco, Calif. San Francisco will become the fifth county in the state next week to implement Laura’s Law, the state measure that allows... read more
by Stefanie Brown @@StefanieFBrown Oct. 23, 2015 But it's not the only treatment they're getting. Children in foster care are often among the most vulnerable members of society. But new research suggests that this group might be even more fragile than we knew. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found... read more
Real-World, Multifaceted Treatment for First-Episode Psychosis Improves Multiple Patient Outcomes
Arlington, Va., Oct. 20, 2015 – A new treatment program for young patients in their first episode of psychosis called NAVIGATE has reported significant advantages in symptom ratings, participation in school or work and quality of life. The effects are especially pronounced for patients whose illness had lasted less than 74 weeks prior to first treatment.... read more
Share on printShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailMore Sharing Services5 Findings raise possibility of testing, early treatment, researchers say FRIDAY, Oct. 15, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers say they've found a link between brain inflammation and schizophrenia. British investigators used PET scans to assess immune cell activity in the brains of 56 people. Some... read more